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Web Site Accessibility
The UK Disability and Discrimination Act 2005 is aimed at eliminating discrimination in the provision of products and services to disabled people.
Web site compliance
It is now a legal requirement for web sites to adhere to a code of practice relating to site content and navigation. The guidelines issued by the W3 consortium (which advise on best practice in relation to the provision of web sites) provides a comprehensive list of requirements governing
Text size and alternative sizing options
Alternative text tags for images (where the web user may have selected to turn images off). This ensures compatibility with screen readers for people with hearing impairment.
This site complies with the Disability Discrimination Act in the following ways:
The Text Size facility on the left of this page is provided to enable you to change the text size easily.
Alternatively, you may change the text size and override site styles using configuration options in your browser.
Terms & Conditions of web site usage
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